Empower. Energize. Elevate.

Self-Love and Empowerment Coaching for Women

Getting Started with Eden

  • 90 min Strategy Session

  • Wellness Quiz - How do you define Self-Care?

  • Enneagram Personality Assessment to Assist Self Reflection

When we work together, I want you to feel love, kindness, and belonging. People say I’m funny as hell, too.

We all have a story. We’ve all had things happen. But those things don’t define us.

You can become a woman who knows what she wants.

I’m all about creating a safe place for you so you can be unapologetically you. 

Everybody deserves love.

In order to know where you're going, you need to know where you're at. Book your session and let's spend this time 100% on you. You have to take inventory of where you're at in order to build a vision for yourself that is different than where you are in this moment. In this session we will do so much!

If you're ready to live your best life, reclaim your time, and repair your relationship with yourself that you've been neglecting. Watch the magic unfold! You'll discover the "you" you would have been before the world told you who you needed to be, you will cultivate a positive mindset while speaking to yourself from a place of love, and you'll unveil that you are everything you have been searching for.

Time's ticking, and you've spent too long neglecting self-love. Take action now to transform your life. Remember, when you know better, you do better!

What you'll walk away with:

  • Empowering yourself to take ownership of your life's direction.

  • Delving into your personality profile to uncover desires, growth opportunities, and stressors.

  • Understanding that life is a journey, not just a destination, and realizing you have control over your path.

  • Additionally, discovering that self-love enriches your ability to positively impact relationships.

What it's not:

  • A substitute for therapy, nor will it make you feel inadequate about your life.

  • A judgmental or shaming environment that diminishes self-worth or confidence.

  • A replacement for personal accountability and responsibility in the journey towards growth and fulfillment.

Love Letters from Clients

Eden is some of the best company to keep. Having her in my corner has allowed me to tap into a part of myself I didn’t know I could access. I am a more elevated version of myself. I feel more confident in what I can bring to the table, I have an ability to name and go after what I want knowing I have been given practical tools and applications to grow myself. Eden is badass and her coaching is essential to have in your arsenal.

Lauren W


Eden is such an incredible human being, I feel sorry for anyone that has not been blessed to have crossed paths with this amazing woman. She is strong, smart, confident and bold. Just being around her you can’t help but soak in positivity and empowerment. Not to mention she’s funny as hell.


Working with her is a true blessing. She has taught me to live unapologetically as myself and to not hide my voice. I am allowed to have an opinion, I am allowed to take up space on this earth. She reminds me of this often. Eden is nothing but simply herself, but it’s rare to see someone live so authentically. It is beautiful and inspiring. I am so thankful to have Eden as one of my life supporters, knowing the continued growth and enlightenment that will continue to evolve.

Kristi C.


Eden Jackson Copyright 2023 . All rights reserved